I was a very lucky girl, indeed to get to return home after (what felt like) a very long absence. I hadn't been back since the wedding, and that was just too darn long!! Thanks to a very understanding husband, I took off without him and got to catch up with the family and hometown for almost two weeks.
{Mom and I went to the girls' Track & Field Day my first morning home; NOTHING'S changed at that school! Even the old dusty taxidermy is still on top of the lockers :) }
{Seth was enjoying the runner's snacks, especially the golfish, immensely}
{Seth saw a boy climbing the goalpost and was struggling to get a leg up on his own; he was delighted when we helped him!}
{Yep. Still frozen.}
The trip home was wonderful and good for the soul. I loved catching up with my siblings, and especially my nieces and nephews. We were able to take a few little adventures together, and got to bury time capsules one day in the woods. Visiting other family, cousins and my aunt and uncle , was also some much-needed catching up.
Moose jerky was made and brought home. It's always good to have an edible souvenier from home:) It was exciting to think about all the work that was about to get underway (and some was already underway at Heidi's!) after I left, but I kept wishing I could stay and help so as not to miss out. Many changes have already happened since I left, so thank goodness for pictures! (And not just with building, but babies being born!!! :D Ever finally got to meet her little brother...)
Waiting for the river to go out was somewhat maddening, with it's later-than-usual exit, and water having to be pumped out of basements on a daily basis. The water table sunk to below basement level right before I left, and finally, the river went out a few days later.
Thank God for a safe trip, loving family to visit, and a wonderful husband to come home to. I can't wait to see everyone, and Gakona again.~