
Start with Today.

I thought the days of hauling our dirty dishes to the creek were over.  I was wrong.  But this is only temporary, and a step forward, really, since the water is unhooked so we can soon have hot water.  Man, getting one convenience at a time here in the yurt really makes you appreciate every single one.  Running water was awesome, and now, it's going to be hot!  I can see why they are called conveniences.  They sure are convenient, but not necessary.  I am grateful for the time we had here in the beginning after just moving in to remind me that dishes and bathing in the creek were a chance to reconnect with nature, and live with and in it, rather than constantly trying to shelter yourself from it.  Stepping outside to go to the bathroom every single time started off a pain, especially in the pouring rain,but now I think nothing of it, and every trip becomes a mini nature walk, or at least a chance to check in with the weather and starry night sky. 

Living here has reminded me a lot of my parent's hunting cabin back in Alaska.  An annual fall trip there to stay for the month of hunting season was always looked forward to by my brother and I, because it was a break from the norm; a chance to live a little differently, a little closer, a little more appreciatively.  We relished simple things there that didn't seem as special at home.  Sitting around the oil stove warming our feet, sipping hot mugs of Tang, or cocoa, playing cards, campfires...I am happy that the home Greg and I are building together is turning into a place with that kind of magic.
And really, washing dishes in the creek isn't so bad.  Now that the cooler fall temperatures have arrived, and the beautiful slanted light hits the golden leaves just so, it is a downright pleasure.

So, starting with just today to avoid becoming overwhelmed with a year of catching up(how embarassing!), I am back on the blog train, and hope to keep it that way.  Welcome back to our lives :)  There's so much to talk about!

This Blog!!!!

Becca has been working very hard the last few days to get us up a new post.  She has alot of wonderful pictures of the fall here, plus many more between the last post and now!  It will be exciting to share them, and fun for us for people to see what it is like here.  This weekend, the big event will be hooking up the hot water and making the way for the woodstove pipe to go up....it's not too late for those things yet!  However, I am still cutting it kind of close; temperatures will be dipping into the thirty's next week.  Well, off to start the day....'til next time which should be soon!