We are in the depths of winter here still, though someone forgot to tell the tulips. I hope my excitement at seeing them emerge isn't matched by an equal amount of dismay when they get frostbit. The first of spring flowers are waking up, we are noticing more birds singing in the morning and temperature highs are climbing, but still we have ice on the front steps this morning. It's deceiving, that ice. No visual clues of the usual kind for winter like snow everywhere and going to bed the night before with rain pattering on the roof makes you think nothing of stepping onto the porch at full-trot in the morning That could make for a very sore behind, but we've so far avoided that fate. No snow, but lots of ice. It seems to like to rain when it's just below freezing here.
Our little gal is coming alive even more these days. When your first child is born, it's like all you have to compare it to is caring for a pet. But now, she is undeniably her own strong person and it's fascinating to watch her consciousness awake and her personality form. I have to say that she's more like her dad everyday. How lucky we are to be entrusted with this little human!
A piece of poplar after being split; lots of wood splitting going on to get us through the end of winter. Poplar sure isn't our first choice for the woodstove, but it happened to fall and dries quickly.
A gorgeous, sunny, freezing day; we couldn't resist a walk in the woods.
February was full of traveling; Greg to Mexico for a friend's wedding, a visit to Great Grandma's house for Sienna and then we went to Alabama to see Alex, Anny and the kids. How lucky we are to be close enough to visit this often and we will cherish these times when he's stationed elsewhere. For now, we make the most of it and I can't wait for our next visit!
A float trip we took a month or so ago. We saw beaver tracks in the mud but all was silent as we floated along. Even Sienna slept on the bow.~
Beautiful photos :)
Beautiful photos :)
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