
Garden Tour

The growing season is long and varied here. Summer will soon be upon us, but spring has a few phases left to show off, still. The daffodils and violets out front have been replaced by spunky, new white blooms, and I can see more new perrenials poking their little heads out. Can't wait to find out what they are! Presenting a short tour of the "garden"; I use that term loosely, as only a few photos are really of the spring garden.

A load of newly hatched little spiders suddenly swarmed the sweet peas.

Pretty, new mystery blooms

Hello, Chickens!

Healthy eggs come from Happy Chickens:)

Spring garden left to right;

Spinach, Garlic, Kale, Arugula and leaf lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower

*I tried "lasagna gardening," (layering compost and cardboard to minimize weeds) but didn't let it sit long enough before planting. It does still help, though.

Kale, Wonder Food
*a farmer friend juices it and takes a shot every morning; loaded with vitamins!

Baby Berries!!! :D

Iris from Greg...sooooo close to blooming-can't wait!

~Sharing the view~

Greg breaking ground on the summer garden while chickens help.

Beautiful Soil!

Finally got the potatoes in here after these pictures! A row of Yukon Gold, and one of Adirondack (beauuutiful royal purple potaotes with white streaks. They look tie-dyed!)



Greg's 32nd

Greg turned 32 on Monday! We celebrated on Sunday with the family at Lake James with Greg's mom, dad and younger sister, Jesse Ruth.

We had a nice picnic in the shade, and spent the rest of the day paddling on the lake and visiting on the dock in the sunshine.

Happy Birthday to my Husband!!

A very curious duck

~Back Home~

He is happy, but that might be a fake smile:)


Spring Trees in the Yard

Color Show.. ~ Beautiful Spring Trees ~

~Our friend J.J. enticing the Ladies to the coop~